Friday, February 12, 2010

ENA- Earth Needs Attention

Can you save the planet? YES you can.

Plant a tree seed and save the planet! Global warming is affecting us with warmer temperatures, severe weather patterns, and it's changing our environment drastically.

Greenhouse gases are a major contributing factor to global warming.

Over the past century forests are being torn down at such rapid rates to make way for urban expansion, numbers of trees have diminished while the number of carbon dioxide emitting vehicles has increased. Where forests once cooled the earth, super highways with pavement now raise temperatures. Researchers in California have determined that average urban temperatures can be as much as five to nine degrees higher than surrounding suburbs. Average temperatures in heavily forested areas can be even lower than urban temperatures.

It is important we all do what we can.

Trees clean the air and cool our living spaces. They are one of the most vital living organisms on the planet and by planting more trees, humankind may just save the planet.

Trees absorb Carbon Dioxide, recycling it into much needed Oxygen. This goes some way to counteracting the effects of global warming and helps to cool the planet. As trees grow, their roots strengthen the soil, helping to prevent erosion, their canopy casts shade allowing the soil to retain moisture and providing perfect conditions for mini ecosystems to develop.

Fight climate change through tree-planting!

It can be the pit of your peach or a packet of seeds you purchased. It doesn't really matter what tree seed you plant, so long as you plant it where there's space, water, and light. The best seeds are seeds from trees that grow naturally where you live.

All you have to do is plant the seed anywhere you want to...your garden, work, side of the street, or a park. Make a hole in the ground using a pen or your finger, drop the seed, cover it, jump on it and you just saved the planet.

Trees are also beneficial for your health. They are not only peaceful and interesting to look at, but patients at hospitals that see trees recover quicker then those that see a brick wall.

* Remember that Trees are an effective weapon in the fight against greenhouse gases.

Plant or donate

Monday, December 7, 2009

ENA Style!


Many have suggested I start a blog. So here I am!

Style is everywhere, all around us. We are so fortunate for all the wonderful things available to us today. I'm always dreaming away so hopefully I will be able to entertain and amuse you with my blogs.

*Here is a quote I want to share with you.

At bottom, every man knows perfectly well that he is a unique being, only once on this Earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as he is, ever be put together a second time. -Friedrich Nietzsche, German Philosopher.

I hope you are all having a Happy Holiday!!!

Time for gift-giving and receiving.....for those of you that are in a financial crises don't worry I'm sure when you think with your heart you can come up with a gift money can't buy....favorite picture in a large canvas, song, poem, etc. Anything artsy and creative would make me melt.

Sincerely yours,

Elisabeth Apcar